Covering 185 square kilometers, the Village de Memramcook has 144 line kilometers worth of streets and is responsible for maintaining roadways throughout its territory.
Winter Maintenance (Snow Removal)
Each year, winter conditions force the Village de Memramcook to remain vigilant and make snow removal a priority. To be effective and to provide the best possible service to taxpayers, the municipality hands over road maintenance, which includes snow and ice removal from November 1 to April 30, to the province’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure. To ensure the best possible service for the entire village, specific guidelines are set out and strictly adhered to.
Disposal of Snow in Street Prohibited
The Village de Memramcook, in collaboration with the Province of New Brunswick, wishes to inform you of the
important public notice regarding dumping snow onto New Brunswick streets.
For any complaints or requests for information, please contact DTI directly at 1-833-384-4111.
Summer Maintenance
From May 1 to October 31, the Village de Memramcook’s Operations and Infrastructures team performs summer maintenance work which includes street repairs (patching), shoulder repairs, culvert repairs, and more.
Other maintenance items include street lighting, drainage ditch cleaning, street cleaning, road marking, signage and other related services such as brush cutting and spring cleaning.
Each year, the Municipal Council evaluates and reviews its major road work needs. Since needs exceed available funding, the council prioritizes and allocates amounts according to established budgets as well as continues to try to secure additional funds via government programs in order to improve the quality of the road infrastructure in Memramcook.
This work is in addition to the work performed by the provincial Department of Transportation on designated regional and provincial roads.
Bad Roads and / or Shoulders and Potholes
To ensure the safety, accessibility and sustainability of its roads, the municipality’s Operations and Infrastructures team closely and regularly monitors road conditions. Roads, shoulders and potholes needing attention are repaired throughout the year (weather permitting) to minimize disruption to traffic.
With 144 linear kilometers of roads to maintain, it is possible that bad roads, sagging shoulders and/or potholes may go unnoticed by the municipal team. The Operations and Infrastructures team therefore encourages citizens to report any road condition concerns, regardless of the season, by calling 506-758-4078 or clicking
Costs related to the construction of an entrance culvert joining a road or street to a municipal, regional or provincial road, whether it is for a residence, a business or a public space, are borne by the owner. Owners are responsible for the cost of materials, including labour and other expenses required to build a culvert. Owners are also responsible for paying the full cost of each additional culvert added to their property.
Requirement to File and Autorization Request
Work must be performed according to municipality requirements in order to avoid obstructing the ditch’s water flow. For each culvert, an authorization request must be filed with the municipality, and a final inspection must be conducted by the municipality once the culvert is constructed.
Access and/or culvert request form.
Culvert Maintenance and Replacement
Replacement and maintenance costs related to entrance culverts joining a road or street to a municipal, regional or provincial road, whether it is for a residence, a business or a public space, are borne by the municipality only two years after the final inspection date, as per the existing policy.
Drainage Ditches
No individual will obstruct a street or ditch, nor fill a drainage ditch. Only the municipality or a developer can install a storm sewer system and cover a ditch the full width of a given property.
Any individual who, intentionally or not, directly or indirectly, clogs a ditch in front of their property must remedy the situation immediately or have it remedied by the person who caused the problem, unless otherwise directed by the municipality.
For more information on culverts and drainage ditches, see
Politique portant sur la construction de ponceaux et le remplissage des fossés de drainage or contact the Operations and Infrastructures team at 506-758-4078.